Your dentist isn’t the only one who can help keep your teeth clean.
The primary and most effective person to keep your teeth white and healthy is you! From brushing and flossing your teeth, there are many daily things you can do to keep your smile brilliant. However, here are a few things you may not have heard of doing before:
Flossing: When and How
Many dentists (yes, even us at Arcadia PerioCare) will tell you to floss every day. Floss as much as possible, in fact, and if a person doesn’t floss they will often dread a scolding at their next dentist appointment. In order to not feel guilty, people make a crucial mistake: they don’t floss for months, and then floss a few days in advance in order to get their teeth looking good for the dentist. Don’t do this! It will make your gums overly sensitive, and regardless of your efforts, dentists can tell when a person is flossing regularly or not. Don’t change your hygiene habits before a dentist visit. Change them after. 🙂
Start Chewing Xylitol Gum
Studies show that chewing gum is very good for your teeth: provided the gum is sugarless. Xylitol gum promotes saliva growth, strengthens gums and jaw, and prevents plaque buildup. Chewing a piece of sugarless gum daily will help you keep your teeth strong.
Change Your Toothbrush
Having an old, spongy toothbrush is a sure fire sign that your toothbrush is no longer effective. However, simply having even a few bent bristles will cause gum recession and tooth erosion, both of which you don’t want. Change your toothbrush often, every 3-4 weeks, and be sure to brush your teeth for at least 45 seconds on each side. Don’t overdo it on the brushing because you’ll wear your toothbrush out too soon.
If you think you might be in need of a consultation for your gums or dental implants, give us a call at (626) 577-8880 or click here. We’d love to hear from you and help you reclaim your smile!