
1215 W. Huntington Drive, Suite 3
Arcadia, California 91007

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9:00am – 5:00pm (Mon-Fri) 

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Signs of Failing Dental Implants

How to Save Failing Dental Implants

Are you worried your dental implants might be failing? Wondering if you’re showing signs of failing dental implants?

If you’re experiencing any of the following symptoms, please contact your dental provider immediately. If you have any questions or are concerned your dental implants might be failing, please reach out to us by emailing us or calling us at (626) 577-8880.

Symptoms of Failing Dental Implants

Common symptoms of failing dental implants include:

  • Feeling discomfort or pain in the area of the dental implant
  • Signs of prolonged or extreme swelling or inflammation
  • Feeling like your dental implants have become loose, sometimes even movement of your dental implant
  • Gum recession around your dental implant, especially if the metal has become exposed

What Are Dental Implants?

If you have dental implants, then you know a dental implant is a prosthetic replacement for a missing or diseased tooth first discovered by a Swedish researcher named Per-Ingvar Branemark in the 1960s. Dental implants have since become an advanced technology that can significantly improve oral health.

The most common type of implant is one that is inserted directly into the bone, but implants can also be placed on top of the jaw with a metal framework. But why would someone need a dental implant? Reasons include losing a tooth from trauma (getting a tooth knocked out in a sporting accident, for example), a congenital absence (not having a tooth to replace a baby tooth), and dental disease like periodontitis. Untreated periodontitis can damage a tooth so badly it must be replaced by an implant.

Why Dental Implants Can Sometimes Fail

Properly placed implants should last for years. However, implants are just like a real tooth — they need to be cared for properly. Establishing habits like daily brushing and flossing and seeing your dentist on a regular basis is essential to maintain your new teeth.

Sometimes implant failure, called peri-implant disease does occur. There are two types of conditions that impact implants: peri-implant mucositis and peri-implantitis. Peri-implant mucositis is the inflammation of the gum and soft tissue surrounding the implant (similar to mild gingivitis). Peri-implantitis, however, is more severe as it includes inflammation in addition to deterioration of the bone supporting the implant.

Sometimes, when dental implants are used to replace teeth that are beyond saving due to periodontitis, a dental practitioner who isn’t a specially-trained and experienced periodontist will place a dental implant without taking the necessary steps to make sure the surrounding gum tissue is healthy and void of the harmful bacteria that likely caused the bone loss to begin with. This can lead to a major problem if not properly treated: the dental implants intended to replace the patient’s teeth are now in danger of failing due to diseased gum tissue.

How to Save Your Dental Implants

A revolutionary laser-based treatment can help save your dental implants: saving you thousands of dollars, plenty of pain, and hours of headache.

This revolutionary treatment is known as LAPIP® and it utilizes the same laser that can treat and heal advanced gum disease (periodontitis) in regular teeth. By removing harmful bacteria and stimulating the gums to heal, the laser from the LAPIP® treatment is non-invasive, quick, and straight-forward in its approach.

If you’re concerned your dental implants might be failing, please reach out to us immediately for a free consultation. We might be able to save your dental implant investment and put you on the track to healthier gums and teeth… for the long term.

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