Author: Arcadia PerioCare

  • Signs of Failing Dental Implants

    Signs of Failing Dental Implants

    How to Save Failing Dental Implants Are you worried your dental implants might be failing? Wondering if you’re showing signs of failing dental implants? If you’re experiencing any of the following symptoms, please contact your dental provider immediately. If you have any questions or are concerned your dental implants might be failing, please reach out to…

  • The Incredible World of Dentistry

    The Incredible World of Dentistry

    Technology has taken us to the moon. If you pause to consider the immensity of this accomplishment, you might start to think anything is possible. Likewise, technology has taken the world of dentistry out of the dark ages and introduced a golden era of painless and cost effective holistic oral care. It is exciting to…

  • The Tongue Tells All: 4 Signs of Poor Oral Hygiene

    The Tongue Tells All: 4 Signs of Poor Oral Hygiene

    What can the state of one’s tongue say about oral health? As it turns out, quite a lot. Hopefully the information below will offer some insights and might even spur you on to make better decisions when it comes to the care of your mouth. You may find these items some of these signs shocking and wonder why…

  • How Good Oral Habits Can Impact your Overall Health

    How Good Oral Habits Can Impact your Overall Health

    Many of our recent posts have gone over various topics regarding oral health. One of the common factors in all those topics has to do with consistency. Themes such as brushing and flossing everyday, scheduling cleanings every year, and regularly monitoring intake of harmful foods are all habitual concepts. With the new year upon us,…

  • 6 Nutrients That Boost Oral Health

    6 Nutrients That Boost Oral Health

    So far, in our series on nutritional and lifestyle tips for better oral health, we’ve showed you foods to avoid and which foods to embrace in an effort to maintain and increase oral health and avoid gum disease. Below, we’re going to specifically explore which nutrients to look for and examine how they work to…

  • 4 Foods for Healthier Gums

    4 Foods for Healthier Gums

    Over the next few weeks, we’ll be sharing a series of nutritional and lifestyle changes you can make to help promote healthier gums and teeth. To kick that off, we’d like to share four foods that you can add to your diet today to improve your oral health (and overall health). Even though we primarily…

  • Dealing with Gingivitis

    Dealing with Gingivitis

    Tips to Prevent Gum Disease from Arcadia PerioCare Gingivitis is a common problem that can lead to gum disease and tooth loss if not taken seriously and treated in its early stages. Many people are not aware that they have gingivitis because it can be mild in appearance and rarely painful. Symptoms include puffy, red,…

  • Whiten Your Teeth

    Whiten Your Teeth

    Does the tissue test have you down? You’re not alone! The American Academy of Cosmetic Dentistry has reported that the majority of people are interested in having whiter teeth. Time magazine quoted a study from the journal PLOS One that reported both men and women being attracted to bright, white smiles. Additionally, they noted “job…

  • Failed Dental Implants

    Failed Dental Implants

    Save Your Dental Implants with the LAPIP® Protocol According to the American Academy of Periodontology, 64.7 million American adults aged 30 or older have periodontitis, the more advanced form of periodontal disease. These are the reported causes, with the potential of millions of undiagnosed cases, periodontal disease can damage the gums and bone structure of…

  • 3 Simple Tips to Take Care of Your Teeth

    3 Simple Tips to Take Care of Your Teeth

    Your dentist isn’t the only one who can help keep your teeth clean. The primary and most effective person to keep your teeth white and healthy is you! From brushing and flossing your teeth, there are many daily things you can do to keep your smile brilliant. However, here are a few things you may not have…