Category: Oral Health Tips

  • How to Fight Off Receding Gums

    How to Fight Off Receding Gums

    Receding gums are a frequent dental problem many people face in their lifetime. They can act as a sign of other oral diseases or be a stand alone issue. However, it can be extremely difficult to notice receding gums because it is a slow process that grows over time. If you need to treat receding…

  • Toothbrush: Electric or Traditional?

    Toothbrush: Electric or Traditional?

    Electric toothbrushes have splashed into the marketplace. But what should you use? Let’s compare and contrast traditional brushes versus the newer options. Brush like you mean it The most biggest benefit of an electric toothbrush is the spin power. Essentially, you are getting more brush out of your stroke. The powered spinning motion of most electric toothbrushes…

  • Caring for Your Child’s teeth

    Caring for Your Child’s teeth

    Caring for children’s teeth is important! Keeping your child’s smile developing properly will prevent cavities, dental surgeries or braces later on in life. If you are a new parent, use this time to teach your kids how to care for and value their teeth. Here are four things you can do to ensure that baby…

  • The Real Reason Flossing is Important

    The Real Reason Flossing is Important

    A question you are bound to hear when visiting the dentist will certainly be, “Have you been flossing regularly?” For many of us, the answer might be no. The good news? It’s never too late to start. Here’s why. Something is in the air… Unknown to many, the real reason flossing has so much impact…

  • The Tongue Tells All: 4 Signs of Poor Oral Hygiene

    The Tongue Tells All: 4 Signs of Poor Oral Hygiene

    What can the state of one’s tongue say about oral health? As it turns out, quite a lot. Hopefully the information below will offer some insights and might even spur you on to make better decisions when it comes to the care of your mouth. You may find these items some of these signs shocking and wonder why…

  • How Good Oral Habits Can Impact your Overall Health

    How Good Oral Habits Can Impact your Overall Health

    Many of our recent posts have gone over various topics regarding oral health. One of the common factors in all those topics has to do with consistency. Themes such as brushing and flossing everyday, scheduling cleanings every year, and regularly monitoring intake of harmful foods are all habitual concepts. With the new year upon us,…

  • Whiten Your Teeth

    Whiten Your Teeth

    Does the tissue test have you down? You’re not alone! The American Academy of Cosmetic Dentistry has reported that the majority of people are interested in having whiter teeth. Time magazine quoted a study from the journal PLOS One that reported both men and women being attracted to bright, white smiles. Additionally, they noted “job…

  • 3 Simple Tips to Take Care of Your Teeth

    3 Simple Tips to Take Care of Your Teeth

    Your dentist isn’t the only one who can help keep your teeth clean. The primary and most effective person to keep your teeth white and healthy is you! From brushing and flossing your teeth, there are many daily things you can do to keep your smile brilliant. However, here are a few things you may not have…

  • Debunking Common Dental Myths

    Debunking Common Dental Myths

    There is a solid chance that you or someone you know has a fear of visiting the dentist. In fact, 4.3% of Americans are so terrified of going to the dentist that they simply don’t go (Department of Health and Human Services). We want to address some of the most common myths regarding visiting the…

  • Understanding the Bacteria in Your Mouth

    Understanding the Bacteria in Your Mouth

    Although each person only holds 30 to 80 at a given time, your mouth can house over 700 different strains of bacteria. Most of these microscopic critters are harmless, however, there are a few that can harm your health that you should be aware of. Let’s take a look at a couple. Porphyromonas gingivalis Also…